Creating a business takes a lot of planning and preparation. You can’t just wake up and say “Today I am going to start a business” and poof there it is. Well you can but 9 times out of 10 it will flop before you can say “What happened?”.
Did you know that 80% of businesses fail in the first year? It’s because they don’t properly plan. You know the saying, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” And I really don’t want you to fail. So our theme for this month is how to create, build, maintain and ultimately thrive.
The first in this series is how to create a thriving business. There are 5 key things I think it takes to create a thriving business.
Burning Desire
This is one of the key things I think it takes to create a thriving business. You have to want it so back that nothing will prevent you from getting it. You have to be willing to do whatever it takes.
Willing to Change
Change it all around us. Its constant. And when it occurs you have to be willing to adapt. You have to be willing to make a choice to take a chance. It’s the only way change will occur.
Get Clear
You have to be clear on everything. You have to know your why. What is fueling your burning desire? What is your vision, your mission and your goals? Without clarity you can’t possibly know where you’re going. And what happens when you can’t clearly see where you’re going? You crash and burn.
Create the Plan
Can’t get any simpler than that. Once you are clear on your end goal, or your GPS destination if you will, map out a plan on how you are going to get there. Make sure it’s your plan and not a copy of someone else’s. And make sure it’s one that can support not only your business but also your life. Because at the end of the day that’s what we all want – a thriving life and business.
Start Successfully
Put your plan into action. And do it on purpose. Follow a step by step action plan to make sure that your business is set up correctly and set up to be successful. I share 10 steps on how to do that under the Free Resources section of my website.
What additional steps can you suggest on how to create a thriving business?
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