Building a business is hard work. It’s by far no easy task. It’s a HUGE undertaking. And it takes a certain type of person to become an entrepreneur, own your own business AND succeed at it.
So how do you know if your’e cut out for this? How do you know you can handle the things that will come your way? How do you know you’re ready to take the plunge?
Well for starters you have to have a burning desire. You have to be so passionate about something so much that you will risk it all to see it come to fruition. So passionate that you will do it for free. (Sometimes that feeling doesn’t come till later. Sshh) See this burning desire is what will keep you up at midnight creating content or products. This burning desire will have you thinking you are invincible and can do anything. This burning desire will cause you to do a complete 180 and it will feel ssooo good. You will feel like a weight has been lifted. You will feel calm and at peace.
You also need to make sure you have tough skin. Look owning a business is not a game. It’s not a race. It’s a marathon and you have to be willing to go the whole mile; all 10 of them. There are people out there who will get what your trying to accomplish and be your biggest fans and supporters. And then there will be the dream-crashers (that’s what I call them). The people who don’t understand why on earth you would quite that “good corporate or government job”. These people will ALWAYS have something negative or derogatory to say. Why? Frankly because someone else crushed their dream. And because they have always been fed negativity that’s all they know how to give back to others. It’s sad really because if they are successful, they will destroy yet another dream. So you can’t let them get to you.
Next you gotta have a back bone. You have to be willing to stand up for what you believe in – no matter what. Do what works best for you and your business, not someone else’s. Don’t change your product or service because Johnny said that was a horrible idea. ESPECIALLY if he’s not a successful business owner. Don’t make your business decisions based on what Susie said because she doesn’t like the idea or wouldn’t dare pay for that. Be confident in your decision making and make sure it’s your decision. Some will be good ones and work and some will be horrible. But that’s okay; it will just be a learning experience. And isn’t that what life is all about?
And lastly, be ready to be everything and everybody in your business. Remember when you first start out there is not any money to pay for staff and assistants and so forth. You will be the boss, the employee, the office manager, the receptionist, the bookkeeper, the mail clerk, the courier and the janitorial staff. Ok I took it too far with janitorial staff but you get my point. You will have to do it ALL! Which means late nights and early mornings. But don’t worry it won’t last forever. It’s only temporary until you get enough clients to pay other people to help you keep your business affairs in order while you go out and strum up new business. And when that time comes, jump on it! Don’t keep wallowing in the should’s and could’s. Remember, do what is best for you and will help grow your business.
What qualities have you found to be useful in being a business owner or entrepreneur?
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